Monday, December 18, 2006

WFCC Christmas Dinner & Bert Slonim's Birthday

Amuse Bouche (Nibbles):
Smoked Salmon on Toast, Serrano Ham with Foie Gras Mousse, Duck Proscuitto with Pheasant Terrine, Zamora Chick Peas with Piquillo & Garlic

1997 Tattinger Comtes de Champagne Rose

Nantucket Bay Scallops with Rabbit Sausage and Saffron Vinaigrette
1989 Trimbach Clos St.Hune VT
1990 Karlsmuhle Lorenhofer Mauerchen Riesling (Auslese)

Gulf Shrimp with Yukon Potato Puree
1991 Lafon Meursault Charmes
1989 Bienvenue Batard Montrachet

Olive Oil Poached Swordfish with Marinated White Anchovy & Lettuce Sauce
1989 Louis Latour Corton Charlemagne
1995 Leroy Chassagne Montrachet Moregeot

Foie Gras with Chestnut Soup (Charlie Trotter)
1989 Huet Vouvray "Le Haut Lieu" (Demi-Sec)
1990 Zind-Humbrecht Clos Jebsal Pinot Gris (Vendanges Tardive)

Endive Salad with Pomegranate Dressing

Sorbet Marc D'Hermitage (JL Chave)

Ravioli with Quail and Porcini Filling
1990 Produttori Barbaresco Montestefano
1992 Quintarelli Valpolicella

Veal Tenderloin, Haricot Verts and White Truffle Jus
1999 Denis Mugneret Clos Vougeot
1991 G.Lignier Clos St.Denis

Selection of Cheeses: : Tartufello Senese, Corsica (Brebis), Fromager des Clarines (Faux Vacherin de Cleron)
1983 Ch.Margaux

Flourless Chocolate Cake

1955 Sandemans Vintage Port

Friday, December 8, 2006

2001 Brunello Tasting (Part I)

In 2001 the wines of Brunello were blessed with ideal growing conditions. The grapes matured slowly rather than with a quick sprint to ripeness as occurred in 1997. In 1997 , this spurt, caused acidity to drop precipitously and resulted in wines that were in most cases big-scaled and raw due to the astringent tannins from thick skinned (formed due to the heat burst) grapes but low in acid. In contrast the 1999 vintage, an excellent one, produced wines with more structure and less flash and was everything one expects sangiovese to be. The 2001's were touted to have the best characteristics of 1999 combined with the richness of the 1997 vintage. Here at WFCC, this was our first collective look at these wines . Additional wines and personal notes will form Part II of the 2001 Brunello Tasting Notes in January 2007.
Tasting and Scoring :Wines were decanted about 90 minutes prior to being assessed blind. Later, they were re-tasted with food . In addition, some wine from each bottle was left behind to re-taste (3rd assessment) blind the next day. The first score is of the initial tasting, and the second score is the average of the two subsequent assessments.
The Wines: In general, the wines lived up to their advance billing but in some cases there was more of the 1997 character than that of 1999, which was somewhat disappointing. And, even the best wines in this tasting were by no means all that they could be given the superb weather through the growing season.
The Menu:
Elbow Pasta with Braised Umbrian Lentils
Risotto with Wild Turkey Ragu
Boneless Veal Shanks with Pasta”Fregula”
Selection of cheeses: Parmesan (Vache Rosso), Pecorino di Pienza (Val d’Orcia) and Pecorino with Truffle (by Beltrami)


Uccelliera: Medium dark with orange gradations to the edges; exciting nose of heather and acacias; overall the nose is cool and composed with muted hints of red cherries, anise and leather. Medium full wine which announces itself forcefully and continues in the same vein to a long bright and exuberant finish. The fruit is evidently very ripe but there is superb acid and tannin backbone to provide balance. Delightful with food. Personally I prefer the 1999 version of this wine. 90/90

Piancornello ($40): Quite dark– the nose is plummy, forward and quite open revealing a warm personality. Rich extract, soft and velvet-like with spiciness reminiscent of red Hermitage. Fine finish shows little in the way of astringent tannin which makes this an ideal wine to just decant a short while and drink now. Even the next day the wine was soft and plummy and quite broad in the mid-palate. This time it reminded me more of a tempranillo based Spanish wine.. Not perhaps a classic example but this really is a very good and sexy wine. 89/90

La Rasina: This is stylistically a cross between the other two wines of this flight. It is rather reserved with jasmine-tea like scents and bright red cherries; even though the wine starts of with a gentle sweetness, it is quickly shrouded by a veil of tannin. Yet the finish is more than just tannic and it does exhibit complexity, even at this stage --- potentially an exciting wine. It is with the food (the lentil course) that this wine really came alive and revealed an abundance of very rich fruit (almost overripe and port-like now) to go with the ripe tannins. There is no denying the excellent quality of this wine. 89/90


Collosorbo($35): Medium dark; berryish nose like a Zinfandel; jammy , cloying port-like fruit with a short finish. Even with food this was just plain dull. Retasting this wine blind the next day , the adjectives were “Figgy, Structure less and Strawberry Jam”. Definitely would not know it was a Brunello. 85/83

Pacenti ($70): Quite dark; rich, smokey, plummy fruit with hints of strawberries and new oak –flashy but in an elegant way. Deliciously forward with soft, silky tannins and good amplitude in the mid palate. The fruit leads the way even in the finish and the tannins in this wine only play a background role. A polished, delicious wine but not profound. 90/89

Gorelli “Le Potazzine”($45): Quite dark with almost even color; dark and plummy fruit with hints of acacia and olives– begins with a rich attack but then it restrains itself when it gets to mid-palate ,where there is earthy, truffle accented fruit , and complex flavors in the finish. The real story here is the balance of this wine which is excellent. What it lacks , however, is real depth. Still this merits serious consideration. 91/90


Mocali “Vigna Raunate”($42): Very dark; the nose soars to meet you with immense aromas of black cherries, leather and a touch of barrique; powerful on entry it dominates the palate with rich fruit that has real depth. Extremely broad and persistent this wine, with its warm, plummy fruit, is coiled with hidden tannins just waiting to explode. Delicious already. This was even better the next day when it remained distinctly regal with power allied with restraint and boasting a long, long finish. Excellent. This and the Villa Prata in this flight are truly sensational and are a must for any serious collector. 92/94

Sassetti -Pertimali ($50): Medium dark color; gamey, barnyardy nose with saddle leather , leading to a comment by Susan Glass that it was a wine that calls for you “to saddle it and ride”. There is still some reduction but strong aeration reveals it be a full bodied wine with juicy fruit that though plummy and slightly cooked still oozes warmth and inviting. It is a quirky individual wine which reminds me of a Raymond Trollat “Saint Joseph” from the eighties. With dinner this was less interesting and seemed a bit over ripe and flat. 92/ 90

Villa le Prata ($55): Quite dark with jasmine tea , wild mushrooms and underbrush on the nose. On the palate this wine is almost feathery light but it packs quite a flavor punch. A “lean monk” was one of the quips. Has tremendous zip and a lovely, lovely bright finish. With food it took on some weight but retained its Mozartian elegance. Excellent. Unanimous choice (my score for the Mocali was higher later on) for wine of the evening. A must buy for anyone serious about Brunello. 93/93


Nardi ($50): Medium dark; cocoa, black cherry aromas but essentially the nose is backward and unforthcoming. Medium bodied it flashes little other than structure and the fruit is buried underneath. This is coiled exactly in the reverse manner as the Mocali wine in the 3rd flight. Yet the bright acids and warm feeling on the palate suggests this has excellent potential. A true-blue sangiovese wine. With food, the wine was still lean but now there was evidence of amplitude in the middle. But the next day was most revealing– suddenly the fruit was creamy and the tannins had receded sufficiently to see that the wine was all in balance. It was sneakily delicious. Not a big wine but exquisitely well proportioned. 89/92

Baricci ($40): Medium dark; aromas suggest cool mountain air and is totally unrevealing; somewhat reduced; palate was vapid and uninteresting and food did not rescue this somewhat rustic wine. I did not bother to score the wine initially. Unexpectedly, the next day, I was astonished when I re-tasted it blind. There was a lot of herbal, olive scented fruit on the nose and on the palate the wine was sleek, composed and beautifully balanced. This of all the wines (the Nardi included) in the tasting had the best acidity . It was all charm and elegance,- a totally stunning change of character overnight when I had initially pegged it as rustic. This wine simply needs time ?/92

La Gerla ($43): Quite dark with orange rim; vanilla nose with sweet jammy fruit . Touch cardboardy. Taut and reserved it is like the Nardi , only hinting of its potential for there is rich fruit which can only be accessed with effort. Remains unresolved even with food. Next day this wine, like the Nardi , improved considerably and showed great aromatics of a cool mountain climate and was tasting far better than earlier. An introverted wine with a tannic cloak and a bright bing cherry finish. 87/89

The Winners: As a group these were very good to excellent wines. It was clear the the wines from the northern communes of Montosoli , Montalcino, for instance were, in this tasting, overshadowed by the flashier wines from the south, be it southwest or southeast. But the wines of Nardi, Baricci and La Gerla from northern zones showed far better the next day and it is perhaps a warning not to mark down austerity as a fault in these wines when tasting them.
My favorites included two of the group's top three choices--- Villa Le Prata (#1) and Mocali "Vigna Raunate" (#2), whose proximity on the warmer western flank of the Brunello DOCG zone did not go unnoticed. However, these wines come from sites which are well over 1100 feet and this definitely appears to have had a moderating effect on any possible over ripeness of fruit. My third choice was the Silvio Nardi which did not garner the same praise from the rest of the group, most of whom chose La Rasina as their #3 wine. The best value without a doubt was the Mocali "Raunate".

Sunday, November 26, 2006

2001 Barolo Tasting

November 5th, 2006
Wines were decanted and poured back into bottles 6 hours prior to the tasting. Tasting was done blind in flights of 3 in the order below. After unveiling of the wines they were assembled in new flights of 3 and served with the following menu and reassessed. The first score is that of the blind tasting portion, the second score is that with food or even the next day.

1. Sauteed Penne with Foie Gras, Mushrooms and Duck Bacon
2. Roast Poussin with Oven Roasted Potatoes and Carrots
or Duck Leg Confit with Salad Greens and Radicchio Trevisano
3. Boneless Lamb Shank with Orzo and Sugar Snap Peas
4. Selection of Piemonte Cheeses: Testun, Castelmagno (aged)
and Mattonella

G.Mascarello, Monprivato: Garnet; still totally closed on the nose with aromatics that show finesse rather than power; quite broad in flavor and with great structure it is still puzzlingly shy of the depth and richness expected of this vaunted vintage. Even with food it is very much austere and unexciting. Is it the bottle? Judgement reserved. 89+

L.Sandrone, Le Vigne: Nearly 5 shades darker than the Monprivato it is also quite different in style, being modern and aromatically forward with classic notes of tar and of roses. Woodsy and soft on the palate it is impressively extracted and rounded out with fine and thoroughly ripe tannins. Magically even more alive with food. 92/93

E.Pira , Marenca: Also very dark; even though the nose has toasty oak and vanillin it is still somehow less modern than the Sandrone, showing restraint and minerality . Explosive fruit on entry suddenly subsides in the mid-palate under the weight of tannin; quite rich and full it develops dramatically with time to become a subsuming force on the palate with a sensationally long finish. Totally in harmony with the penne course and its rich foie gras sauce. 92/94

Veglio, Gattera: Medium dark; sports a lovely nose with essence of attar and new leather as well as a herbal element; intense and explosive on the attack it too, like the Pira wine, calms down in mid stride showing tremendous dry extract and a long finish. Later it shows more gentle and restrained but then also reveals some low acidity. No matter, this is excellent. 93/92

Manzone, Gramolere: Garnet colored; teasing scents of sweet, ripe black fruits with a faint perfume of flowers and candle-wax; medium-full with supple tannins, stylishly contoured fruit but with less than perfect balance due to its low acidity. Still this wine is excellent with the poussin to which it adds a nice anise counterpoint. This will be ready soon. 89/90

Revello, Giacchini: Quite dark; nose has rich fruit and mocha scents; palate is uncomplicated and rather linear with only an emphasis on fruit. Even with food the one-dimensional character of the wine continues. 86/85

Seghesio, La Villa: Very dark; mentholated fruit, "tartuffo" and spicy new oak--thoroughly modern style. So ripe is the fruit that this tastes like Barolo with some Taylor 10 year old Tawny Port. Coconutty and flamboyant this is not what I consider typical Barolo. And as it sits, and with food, it is overpowering and boorish. Not my style. 88/??

A.Conterno, Bussia: Excellent depth of color; high toned nose which veils the perfume and fruit scents rising from the glass--excitingly mysterious; lovely fruit with excellent balance and grip; outstanding acidity to the medium bodied flavors of red fruits and earthy mushrooms. Later on, with food the wine blossoms even more and is quite generous (albeit slightly chunky) and flavorsome to the end. 92/93

Clerico, Ciabot Mentin-Ginestra: Medium dark; the nose is tightly shut and totally unevocative; solid and stolid on the palate this has a roasted warm compote of blackberries and anise --nearly classic with its abundance of tannins which,even with food, was mostly unyielding. Possibly an excellent wine. 92/91

Azelia, Bric Fiasco: Medium dark; sweet tartuffo nose with fresh crushed rose petals; surprisingly tannic on entry but there is so much fruit that after the first sip the fruit appears to get the upper hand; excellent balance and because of its sound acidity the finish is long and interesting. Strangely it did not partner well with the lamb where it went "MUTE". Excellent wine. 94/92

Marcarini, La Serra: Quite dark; licorice, blackberries and lemon verbena on the nose; rather tight and not much going on now; it has rich acidity and ample fruit but even with food it was not very revealing. My guess is that this is a butterfly waiting to take wing. 90

Marengo, Brunate : Dark, almost bluish; nose is totally modern and is more reminiscent of a Priorat wine than a classic Barolo; rich and intensely fruity (the blue color was a tip-off) it is also very supple and forward. An excellent restaurant wine. To my palate this is on the simple side. 87/??

2003 Bordeaux Tasting

October 2006 Tasting:

Wines were tasted blind in flights of 3. After the wines were revealed they were reassessed (once again in flights) with a four course meal . Scores shown after my tasting notes show both scores, blind and that with dinner. If the score is unchanged only a single score is given. Notes are in order of wines tasted.

Beausejour Becot (St. Emilion): Very dark ruby; deep and inviting nose with exotic spices, black fruits; spicy and forward but never ponderous. Delightful wine with sumptuous finish. Stylish and well balanced. 92/92

La Mission Haut Brion (Graves): Also very dark; dusty and green peppery nose with slightly roasted notes; unexpectedly weak and washed out with a lean and sinewy character. Very underwhelming wine even with food. This is usually one of my favorite Bordeaux. Possibly a bad bottle. 85/?

Rausan Segla (Margaux): Quite dark; intense aromas of oak, ripe fruit that is almost Spanish in style; quite exciting. Promise of the nose does not carry over to the palate, however, where it is relatively straightforward and low acid (a demerit)-- somewhat dull and hollow. Yet it is fine with food where it sparkles and ably partners. 87/89

Smith Haut Lafite (Graves): Not as dark as the previous three; fragrant and perfumed , (seems more Margauxish than Graves-like), it seemingly defies the vintage character. Medium full with fine tannins supporting the rich and ripe fruit. Alcohol is in check and overridden by a long, flavorful finish. Delicious now but has potential to age and be the better for it. 92+

Grand Puy Lacoste (Pauillac): Medium dark with garnet overtones; slightly mentholated fruit but in general reticent on the nose; lean fruit with little in the way of depth or glycerin; does take on weight with food (an hour later) but remains hot and herbaceous. 85/86

Langoa Barton (St.Julien): Darkish ruby; New oak/ vanillin/ripe and forward fruity nose; rich and quite a mouthful of fruit with soft and ripe flavors. Fine tannins give this wine a balance and focus. Lowish acidity and dilution mars the finish of an otherwise interesting and fine wine. 88

La Lagune (Haut Medoc): Deep garnet; firm and dusty nose with an uncharacteristic unyielding character (even time did not do much to advance the nose); medium bodied, low acid and soft-- delicious already . Like the Langoa it has a similar dilution in finish; best drunk over the next decade. 89/88

Duhart Milon (Pauillac): Rich color; full throttle nose with intense fruit backed by new oak; deep and brooding on the palate with ripe and exotic fruit. Surprisingly restrained as it develops, it is intense but never cloying. Has remarkable focus and well adjusted acidity. The best Duhart I have ever tasted this is a wine that will repay keeping . 92+

La Grange (St.Julien): Very dark; though the nose is still embryonic there are exciting hints of chocolate and blackberry truffles with new oak spice backing; explosive entry with generous, delicious and forward fruit ( totally not presaged by the nose); sweet yet structured on palate it is almost reminiscent of a great Ridge Montebello cab. A winsome, lovely wine. Lots of aging potential . 90/91

Malescot St. Exupery (Margaux): Has a lot of characteristics of the previous wine and initially the wine, though explosive, was taut and hard in the finish; with aeration it barely changed and remained stubbornly ungiving. Yet there is much to like about this powerful wine. Much, much later the wine began to reveal an awesome depth of fruit; broad and dense with potential to be a giant amongst its peers in this vintage 90/93

Gazin (Pomerol): Garnet with a solid core; rather burgundian aromas of earth and leather adds elements of complexity to the nose; medium bodied; initially showed a chewy, sinewy and ungenerous side with markedly low acidity , but with time and with food it was seductive and giving. Quite good . Not for keeping long 88/89

Domaine de Chevalier (Graves): Dull and insipid nose--herbaceous cabernet flavors..with food the wine remained one dimensionally sweet and devoid of flavor. Dull and vapid finish. Was unanimously everyone's least favorite wine of the tasting. 86/84